Monday, December 31, 2018

Christmas with Nannacakes!

The tree in our home is simple.  We decorate it with love, memories and other happy things.  We don't worry about matching colors or fancy ornaments.  In my house, the tree is a tribute to memories of the children growing up.  The decorations we love most are made with little hand prints and macaroni noodles.  I put lots of poinsettias into my Christmas decorating as well.  They have always meant "joy" to me.  They really make me smile.

This year, Emily and Owen made their own ugly Christmas sweaters.  I hear tell that they were the big winners in the contest at the party they went to.  I think they did a spectacular job making their crazy, ugly sweaters don't you?

Joslyn attended the big 8th grade Christmas dance.  She rocked some pretty great gear for this gig.  Her pug sweater had some awesome jingle bells on it and her hat was just plain awesome!

The best Christmas news was the news that Emily, Alex and Owen shared with the world in their Christmas cards.  Emily is expecting a baby June of 2019!  That's right folks! Nannacakes is getting a new duckling!  I couldn't be happier for them.

Christmas time here is a cookie baking marathon.  We bake with sugar, butter and love for all of our friends and family.  We don't have the money do buy folks big gifts, but I really think they appreciate the baking so much more.

Carrot Cake Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting and Pecans

Butter Pecan Cookies topped with Candied Pecan

Chocolate Fudge Cookies topped with Milk Chocolate

We made so many different kinds of Christmas cookies this year.  It would take quite a bit to picture them all here!  Our favorite are the sugar cookies for sure.  They are decorated with the love and laughter of children.  I don't worry about how perfect their presentation is.  I think only of the wonderful time I got to spend with the kids when we made them.

Sugar Cookies 

In this new year, please remember that love and laughter need to come long before worry and sadness.  Pay attention to the little things in your life.  Give thought to the happy moment when you held your husband's hand or when your child shared a funny story from their day.  Take the time to call old friends to re-connect.  Remember, to say I love you to those in your life.

I promise to make a special post for you about the specifics of making my "Wicked Awesome Peanut Butter Cookies" on another day.  Today, I would just like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!